...not all the timebut sometimes i feel like this.when you think that last talk did ityou know that feeling of contentment when you think you've finally gotten through and are on the same page.when you...
so although im still a little pink in the eye i just couldnt take being at home any longer.it really is too easy to get stir crazy for me!!and now that all my overdue emails are answered and all my mess...
like previously stated im a little under the weather and that tends to really fuck with my sleeping schedule!now that it's 2:00 in the a.m. and i'm awake i thought i'd put together a list of all the pretty...
sick teddy bear.so the reason i'vd been m.i.a. recently is because i've been under the weather. disgustingly gross and sick haha.so haven't really been doing much of anything except being ridiculously...
i've been pounding at the keys for about a week or so and have no idea where i'm wanting to go with it.hahai mean first and fore most this is an outlet for anything pretty and shiny i find and fall in love with.but since i'm in a pretty new and exciting chapter in my life i'm trying to decide if that...
so being the native centeral/south Texan that i am, i'm not too used to the snow.i mean i've SEEN snow...which seems to be the number one question from folks when they find out i'm for Tejas.but i've...
so with the holidays suffocating us on every radio station, commercial and pretty much everywhere we look i can't avoid the fact that my humble apartment is so bare of holiday fare!don't misinterpret...
nothing really on my mind today except a certain recent bad decision.the bad decision in question is when i decide to do my laundry late at night and become so committed that i cant stop.then when my...
love.i'd rather be silly than seriousi'd rather love than be lovedi'd rather be clumsy than gracefuli'd rather be stressed and happy than relaxed and unfulfilledi'd rather be passionate than safei'd...
oh austin.i meant to post earlier today but it has been a pretty lazy saturday and well i just got distracted!mainly by the rough and tumble world of living with a boy...especially a boy who drinks about...
via.i haven't kept it a secret that i recently moved away from my family in pursuit of...a life(?).and recently the weight of this decision has begun to break my back.waking up realizing that the 30 minute...
So THE main reason i decided to create this gorgeous vessel of a blog was to keep my sanity.Simple enough.But in all honesty the "gorgeous"ness I'm speaking here will, at times, be something of an acquired...
...obviously my head is too discombobulated to hold a basic sentence which honestly says tons about my life haha!But brief overview is that im a twenty-something girl living in new england...forcing myself...
so my day starts with about 3 cups of coffee and a 30 minute drive which is always fun.a little hint of sarcasm in that one i have to admit.then once i arrive at work i dive right into what i left behind...